Kidder Mathews provides valuations and consulting services for eminent domain matters. Our team of MAI designated appraisers combines their experience in real property valuations with an understanding of federal, state and local regulations to provide results.
Whether engaged by agencies or property owners, we provide quality service from a project’s inception through to its completion.
Kidder Mathews Advantage
UNDERSTANDING. By carefully defining a scope of work, budget and schedule, expectations are clear and results are measurable.
ACCURACY. Characteristics of the taking are fully analyzed, reporting requirements are researched and verified data is applied to provide creditable and defensible results.
SUPPORT. Eminent Domain proceedings can extend for years and Kidder Mathews provides dedicated service throughout a project’s timeline.
TEAM ORIENTED. Kidder Mathews works in a collaboration with its clients, project agencies and other specialists to provide a streamlined experience.
Leadership. Kidder Mathews appraisers have held and continue to maintain leadership positions within the Appraisal Institute and the International Right of Way Association.
Eminent Domain Services
- Valuation and Consulting
- Yellow Book Compliant Appraisals
- Appraisal Reviews
- Impact Studies
- Expert Opinions
- Depositions
- Trial Testimony
- Budgetary Assessments
- Statements of Valuation
UNDERSTAND the appraisal problem and regulatory requirements
ESTABLISH a course of action
CONDUCT detailed research, investigation, and analyses
COMMUNICATE effectively throughout the process
SECURE a defensible result
Select Client List
Public Agencies
- Bureau of Land Management
- Caltrans
- City of Mountain View
- City of San Bruno
- City of San Carlos
- City of San Jose
- Department of the Air Force
- Department of the Navy
- General Services Administration
- National Park Service
- Pacific Gas & Electric Company
- Port of Seattle
- Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
- State of Arizona
- State of California
- Veterans Administration
- Jeffer Mengels
- JMB Realty
- Latham & Watkins
- Livermore Sanitation
- Miller, Morton, Caillat & Nevis
- Robinson Oil Corporation
- Stanford University
- Wesco Properties
- Westfield
Representative Assignments

Highway Widening
Valued 30+ commercial and residential properties along Highway 395 in Adelanto, CA for eminent domain purposes in connection with a widening of the highway by Caltrans. Analyzed impacts from partial fee takings, temporary construction, utility and prescriptive easements and taking of access rights.

California High Speed Rail
Valued 30+ agricultural, residential and commercial properties in Wasco, CA for eminent domain purposes in connection with the California High-Speed Rail project. Analysis considered impact to crops, irrigation and farm operations. A railroad right of way parcel also required evaluation of corridor enhancement.

Los Angeles Subway
Valued one block of land in downtown LA for taking for a subway line and station. The takings included permanent fee takings, permanent easements (tiebacks & underpinnings), and temporary construction easements. There was also a temporary inverse taking of development rights.

USAF Avigation Easement
Valued a 40,000 acre planned development north of Las Vegas approved for 150,000 housing units. The property was valued for the taking of an avigation easement over the property.
Contact Us
Eminent Domain Services Specialists
Randall Clemson | Phoenix, AZ
Neil Lefmann, MAI, SRA | Silicon Valley, CA
Craig Owyang, MAI, SRA | Sacramento, CA
Matthew VanEck, MAI | Orange County, CA
Peter Shorett, MAI, CRE, FRICS | Seattle, WA
Valuation Advisory Services Leadership
Brian Hatcher, President & COO
206.296.9600 |
Randall Clemson, Executive Vice President, Valuation Advisory Services
602.513.5158 |