Kidder Mathews provides valuation and advisory services associated with partial interests in real estate and entities holding real estate, marketable securities and other assets.
We specialize in being able to effectively and accurately determine discounts for lack of control, lack of marketability, lack of voting rights, and market absorption discounts. We take pride in providing a dependable product that can withstand the highest scrutiny.
Whether our clients are seeking experienced valuation professionals to opine to fair market values for estate and gift tax purposes or are looking for valuations for buy-sell transactions, we strive to understand the objectives and nuances of each assignment and then deliver an opinion and a work product that fulfills the needs of the client.
Kidder Mathews Advantage
ATTENTION. We start each discount valuation project by focusing on understanding the intricacies of ownership and levels of control associated with the subject interest.
SUPPORT. We are here to support you throughout a project’s timeline. Whether you are in the planning stages of a potential transfer/transaction or are under IRS scrutiny, we can help guide you through any issue and are prepared to defend our opinions against the utmost scrutiny.
COMMUNICATION. Clients are kept continually apprised of the progress of the assignment in accordance with the terms of the engagement as well as issues that need clarification to complete the assignment in a timely manner.
REAL WORLD DATA. Kidder Mathews is able to leverage its 55+ years of brokerage and valuation experience to provide current trends in the market.
Partial Interest & Discount Valuation Services
- Undivided Interest and Tenants-In-Common
- Interests in Real Estate Holding Entities
- Interests in Marketable Security Holding Entities
- Discounts for Lack of Control and Lack of Marketability
- Discounts for Lack of Voting Rights
- Capital Structure Discounts (Built-in Gains)
- Market Absorption Discounts
Representative Assignments
Entity Discount Valuations
THE VALUATION of interests in 65 limited liability companies each holding a self-storage facility located in California. The valuations took into consideration varying discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability based on the different levels of control associated with the various interests and financial performance of the entities.
THE VALUATION of a minority non-controlling limited partner interest and a controlling general partner interest in a limited partnership holding a mixed portfolio of marketable securities of various equity and fixed-income asset types. The valuations considered the differing levels of control associated with a general partner and a limited partner interest as well as the different discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability given the differing risk and financial performance of the underlying asset portfolio.
THE VALUATION of a minority shareholder in a C corporation holding a portfolio of real estate. The valuation considered discounts for lack of control and lack of marketability as well as adjustments for corporate structure due to the taxable built-in gains of the entity.
Undivided Interest Valuations
THE VALUATION of a portfolio of undivided interests in 10 apartment properties governed by a tenants-in-common agreement. The valuations considered applicable discounts associated with the undivided interest holders’ lack of control and lack of marketability.
THE VALUATION of an undivided interest in a single-family residence with no governing documents managing ownership. The valuation considered the right to partition of the subject interest holder in the determination of an applicable discount for lack of control and lack of marketability.
Specialty Discount Valuations
THE VALUATION of an undivided interest in a portfolio of art and the valuation of a minority member interest in a limited liability company which holds a portfolio of art as its primary assets.
THE VALUATION of a portfolio of inter-family promissory notes, both secured and unsecured for estate tax purposes.
Contact Us
Partial Interest & Discount Valuation Services Specialists
Peter Shorett, MAI, CRE, FRICS | Seattle, WA
Valuation Advisory Services Leadership
Brian Hatcher, President & COO
206.296.9600 |
Randall Clemson, Executive Vice President, Valuation Advisory Services
602.513.5158 |